User AdaPtive Artificial INtelligence fOR HumAn CoMputer InterAction


The key concept of this project is “user adaptive AI in the context of human-computer interaction”. 

This project addresses two aspects for this concept. 

First, we will conduct research on user adaptivity of artificial intelligence embodied as a conversational agent. 

When people talk to other people, they change their verbal and nonverbal communication behaviors according to those of the partner. Therefore, user adaptivity is an essential issue in improving human-agent interaction. Communication style is also different depending on the culture, and adapting the agent behaviors to a target culture is useful in system localization. 

We will tackle these problems by employing a machine learning approach. 

However, a bottleneck of this approach is that annotating users’ nonverbal behaviors to create training data is time consuming. We will solve this problem by exploiting Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) technique, through which labels predicted by the system is adapted based on the interaction with the user as an annotator. Thus, the concept for user adaptive AI is used to support users in creating multimodal corpus as well as improve the human-agent interaction. 

Moreover, the concept of user adaptivity is also focused on the psychological studies in this project, in which user motivation will be investigated in one relevant use case (personalised motivational coaching for physical activity). 

Therefore, this project envisions a new research methodology for machine-learning-based conversational agents by focusing on the concept of user adaptivity.

Scientific and Technical Goals

Keywords: Adaptive HCI, eXplainable AI, Motivation theory, ECA, Dialogue system, Reinforcement learning, Transfer learning

Synergy of international collaboration:

This project team covers different aspects of research on adaptive AI: theoretical/psychological foundation, XAI, Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA), and machine learning. The work packages are designed to emerge new research directions in AI interfaces. Therefore, this collaboration provides good opportunities for young researchers to broaden their skills and research interests. 

Impact of the proposed innovation 

Adaptive AI interface impacts the economy and the future society. First, user adaptive technology enhances the quality of human-computer interaction and this contributes to improve task performance and productivity of the users in industries. Moreover, user adaptive AI will effectively motivate the users to adopt a healthy lifestyle in the long term, and this may change people’s lives in the future society.


Overall objective: This project provides technological and psychological foundations for user adaptive and culture-sensitive AI systems by designing advanced Embodied Conversational Agents (ECA).

Scientific objectives

Technical working objectives
